Professional lawn care marketing toolsLawn Care Marketing Tools and Techniques for the lawn care industry.


Yes Marketing, Inc.
1490 Manning Pkwy
Powell, OH 43065

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0-250 Lawn Care Customer Base

Maybe you are just starting out in the turf business, or have been in the lawn business only a few years. You have one truck and maybe one assistant. You are ready to start growing but you need more new customers than you can get from just word of mouth.

What to do?

At this point in time you probably don’t have the money to invest thousands of dollars into a direct mail program. Direct mail campaigns require, at the very minimum, 10,000 pieces mailed to a highly targeted prospect list and even that can be very risky.

To create a large scale marketing program you need to have at least 20% of last year’s revenue to invest in marketing. If not, don't try to scrimp and get by with mailing a few thousand pieces. Chances are it won’t pay off. Hold off until the numbers are right.

Instead, build your lawn-application customer base up steadily. Reach the point where you can hire another employee that knows the turf business. The two or three of you can then handle the rush of leads that will come from Concentrate your marketing and advertising efforts in particular neighborhoods so you aren't running all over trying to service new sales. Build lawn care routes that are dense and profitable to operate.

Door-hanging neighbors of current customers, or blocks around customers is a good idea. Avoid any mass market or shotgun advertising, such as daily newspapers, radio, tv, or yellow pages (just a bold listing).

Even though your lawn care business is small, seriously consider adding a web site to your marketing mix first. A web site gives you instant credibility. It provides you a greatly expanded opportunity to sell your services on every piece of advertising / marketing that you do. List your web address on your business card and that little 2” x 3.5" piece of paper becomes as big as a 25 page full color expensive brochure.

Build a quality and consistent image

Build a consistent marketing image across all of your marketing materials (business cards, door hangers, post cards, sales and leads brochures, web site). The same images, photos, slogans, and colors used correctly and consistently will create a professional image that translates into trust and recognition in your prospects.

  • Web Site -The foundation of your marketing strategy

  • Business Cards - An inexpensive way to make a big impact (less than $0.07)

  • Door Hanging - Neighborhoods and Neighbors of Current Customers ($0.20 each + labor costs) (Highly targeted)

  • Post Cards - For new sales or selling additional services to Current Customers ($0.10 + postage) Focus on specific neighborhoods.

  • Pre-Pay Letters to Customers, Cancels, and Prior Year Rejects - Send a Pre-Pay Letter to customers and customers that canceled during the previous 2 years. Offer them a substantial discount of 10-20% if they prepay for the entire full season. Filter your Cancel file to remove movers and bad debt/problem customers. You can also find success mailing the same or a similar offer to leads that did not close from previous years.

  • Direct Sales - Knock on a few doors while you’re out treating lawns, especially if you work on Saturdays or evenings when people are home. You may come home with three new customers to add to the route you just treated.

  • Invest in continued training by joining your state lawn care association, check out our DVD training program "Anyone Can Sell". Learn how others have become successful and put yourself in a good position for solid future growth.