Steps to Success in Building a Lawn Care Enterprise
Marketing can be confusing and sometimes costly. We
try to reduce the confusion, reduce the costs, and help reduce expensive
While no two companies are exactly alike, they do to
a certain degree, follow a general path to growing the company. This path
includes a series of steps in building their businesses. There's no rule
saying you have to do each step exactly as described, but it does give
you a guide as to what others have tried successfully from across the
country. Decide on your level of investment risk vs the gain in market
Below are 4 increasing customer-base levels. With each
level certain business characteristics and assets are commonly found.
With each level we have described a recommendation on what an appropriate
Marketing Program might include. Again, these are generalities. How aggressive
a business plan you have, how much capital you have to invest in growing
your business, and, how comfortable you are with risk, all play an important
role in making marketing decisions. Do nothing and in a short period of
time, your customer base will have dwindled to almost nothing (average
cancel rate nationwide is 25%).
Click on the links above right to read more about various marketing
tools as well as some of the costs involved in putting a program together
that fits your current lawn care customer base.
Sales Tactics: get some tips on
how to better sell your services
Read: Lawn
Care in Nowhere. How one man gets by in the lawn care industry with 9000
square miles of territory as described in Landscape Management.
Crabgrass Control: Are you promising
more than you deliver?
5 Steps to Build Your Lawncare